Tuesday 18 February 2014

It is absolutely impossible to defeat Boko Haram- Borno Gov to Jonathan

Kashim Shettima, the governor of the Boko Haram- ridden Borno state has declared that it is absolutely impossible for the country to overcome the Boko Haram insurgents unless a new strategy is employed.

Shettima traveled to Abuja on Monday for talks with the president and security chiefs following another round of attack in the state which recorded more than 106 deaths.
“We are in a state of war. That is what I came to tell the president,” Shettima told reporters after the meeting.

“I made it emphatically clear to Mr. President that Boko Haram are better armed and better motivated,” than the security forces, he added.
Unless more troops and more resources are deployed to Borno, “it is absolutely impossible for us to defeat Boko Haram,” the governor said.

Northeastern states in Nigeria were placed under emergency rule in May, 2013 following series of attacks in the region by the insurgents who are said to be fighting to create an Islamic state in the region dominated by Muslims.

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